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The sacral cord lies at vertebra L-1 in adults. Nerve roots descend in the vertebral canal to the sacral bone foramen where they supply the sacral part of the lumbosacral plexus for S-1 through S-3 musculature and dermatomes in the lateral part of the leg, the high lateral gluteus (S-3) and anal region (S-4 & S-5).
The sacral cord lies at vertebra L-1 in adults. Nerve roots descend in the vertebral canal to the sacral bone foramen where they supply the sacral part of the lumbosacral plexus for S-1 through S-3 musculature and dermatomes in the lateral part of the leg, the high lateral gluteus (S-3) and anal region (S-4 & S-5).
The white mater is small due to the beginning of ascending systems and the termination of the descending systems. Proportionally, the gray mater is large since it supplies the ventral horn targeting motor neurons of leg and foot. Thedorsal horn sensory input is from leg dermatomes0.
Dorsal and ventral roots parallel the cord in their descent. The lateral horn for S2-4 (parasympathetic) are buried in the massive gray mater.